Student must be 15 years of age by the first day of the class. A student will not be allowed to enroll after the first three classes of the course have been completed. All the student must have their learner's permit by the end of the first week to do their behind-wheel-training. Student should come with their learner's permit for the behind the wheel-training all the time, failure to come with learner's permit will be considered no show. MLK Simple Driving School reserves the right to dismiss any student for inappropriate or disruptive behave without the refund of the course fee. Any student suspected to under the influence of drugs or alcohol will dropped from the course and there will be no refund. Student must be on time and full attendance for all per-scheduled in-class and behind-wheel-training. Student are required to silence all electronic devices during all per-schedule training sessions. Repeated failure to do so may subject the student to dismissal from the training session. To receive certificate student must complete 30 hours of class, six hours of drive, one hour of behind the wheel observation, and pass the test with a minimum grade of 80%. Student will have training session. If he/she failed it two times there will a be charge of $100.00 for the to retake course again. There will be a parent night first day of the class. We encourage parents to come this night. Classroom behind-wheel-training instruction course must not be scheduled for not less than thirty day and the maximum time to complete the course is 24 continuous weeks in length. If it takes longer then that, then student will have to retake the course and repay the full tuition to restart the course.Student under age eighteen should not exceed two hour of classroom instruction during any single day and three make-up classes during traffic safety education course, and no more than one hour of behind the wheel instructions during and single day. The cost of the course is $500 it can be paid either in full or can be paid installment. Initial payment of $250 is required upon registration and the balance is due by the third week. Refund policy Refund will be handled as follows: before the first day of class you will get full refund mines $25 administration fee when approved for the refund. If student attend first lesson there will be no refund. Our grievance/complaint policy consist of the following: If you have complaint which you can't settle with MLK Simple Driving School write to Driver Training School Program P.O.BOX 435 Olympia, WA 98507
To get an intermediate driving license, you must: Be at least 16 years old. Show to department of license (DOL) proof that you passed an approved driver training course with least 30 hours of classroom and six hours of behind-wheel instructions. Get the consent of parent or guardian. Pass the medial and vision screening, the knowledge test, and the driving test. Have had an instruction permit for at least six months. Show department of license that a parent or guardian certifies you have had at least 50 hours of driving experience, including 10 hours at night, which you gained while a licensed driver with at least five years of licensed driving experience supervised you. Not have you been issued a traffic ticket and must not have any traffic ticket pending when you apply for license. Not have you been convicted of and must not have been found to have a traffic violation within the last six months before the day you apply for license. Not have been convicted of and must not have been found to have committed an offense involving the use of alcohol or drugs while you had an instruction permit. An Intermediate License come with those driving restrictions You cannot drive between 1 am and 5 am unless you are with a parent, a guardian, or licensed driver who is at least 25 years old. For the first six months, no passengers under the age of 20 may be with you while you are driving unless they are members of your immediate family. For the remaining time, no more then three passengers under the age of 20 may be with you while you driving unless they are members of your immediate family. They are tough penalties in the first year 1st violation- the passenger and the nighttime restriction are extended until age of 18 and warning letter is sent to you and your parent or guardian if you receive a ticket for violating the restrictions or any other traffic law or you are involved in an accident where: you receive a ticket you are determined to have caused the accident no one involved in the accident receives a ticket no one was found to cause the accident only your car was involved in accident 2nd violation- you suspended for six months (or until age 18 if that comes first).
ATTENDANCE POLICY Attendance is mandatory for the entire 30 hours. A student cannot miss more Then three classes. She/he will be dropped from the class without a refund. The missed lessons must be made up during the following scheduled course session. Student must attend the same lesson missed. All missed lesson or BTW must be completed with six months. BEHIND-THE-WHEEL INSTRUCTION (BTW) MLK Simple Driving School instruct the student in minimum of six hours of BTW lessons and one hour of observation time. Parents are responsible for 50 hours of BTW practice with their child before she/he can get their license. The student needs to continually put into practice what is being taught in-class and BTW. This is team effort between the student, parent and the driving school. Student sign up weekly for drive time for the following week. BTW drive are scheduled for one student. In some instances more driving time may be required in order for the student to attain an acceptable level of driving performance. Please plane ahead and have in mind any potential conflicts when signing up for driving times. If the student is unable to make it to his/her scheduled drive, MLK Simple Driving School must be notified at least 24 hours in advance. Failure to do so will result in a $25 no show fee. Student must bring their driver instructions permit for each and every driving. Failure to come with a learner's permit will be considered no show.